
For the last twenty-six years, the Ashton School has been serving our community as a privately owned, independent Dominican/International school offering instruction in English, as well as Spanish, in the subjects required by the Dominican National Ministry of Education. The instructional program is geared to prepare students for university studies, maintaining high academic and personal development expectations, grounded in research-based practices and biblical principles.

The Ashton School was founded in 1998 with fewer than ten teachers and only 35 students in a one-family house, serving students in Kindergarten through third grade, inspired by the ideals, methods and techniques of the educator Sylvia Ashton Warner who dedicated part of her life to educating children, teaching them English as a second language, while respecting and maintaining their customs and cultural identities.

Today the school serves a population of 461 students ranging in grades Pre-Kinder through 12th grade. 74 % of our students are Dominican whose native language is Spanish and live in Spanish, monolingual speaking homes. The school is accredited by Cognia/The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) with an honorary standing as a School of Distinction, is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and recognized by the National Ministry of Education of the Dominican Republic (MINERD). Our English language arts and mathematics curriculum guides are primarily informed by the U.S. Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation of Science Standards in science, with biblical integration. Other subject areas are informed by or completely aligned with U.S. state standards that best meet the needs of our students. The process of delivering instruction, assessing and reporting in the core subjects is standards-based.

Los estudiantes deben equilibrar una carga de trabajo que cumpla con los requisitos de los EE. UU. Para ingresar a universidades selectivas, así como cumplir con las expectativas del programa dominicano en español, sociales, francés y aprobar con éxito los exámenes de salida del 12 ° grado. Muchos de nuestros estudiantes también participan activamente en clubes extracurriculares, equipos deportivos y proyectos de servicio. Aproximadamente 70-75% de nuestros graduados optan por realizar sus estudios de pregrado en la República Dominicana mientras que el resto se va al extranjero a Estados Unidos, Canadá y cada vez más a Europa. Aquellos que completan sus estudios de pregrado a nivel local a menudo se inscriben más tarde en programas de posgrado europeos o estadounidenses.

The school is governed by a Board of Directors that consists of eight members, two of whom are rotating members who serve as the president of the Ashton School Parents’ Association (ASPAS) and a student executive officer from the Student Council (STUCO.) The latter participates in one of the
