General Information
Date: November 19th, 2022
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Place: Ashton Sports Complex
Entrance fee: RD$250.00 (Free for Ashton students)
Special Offer: Pre-sale price of RD$200.00 for those purchasing tickets from the High School students.
The Family Fun Day is an event organized by the Parents’ Association (ASPAS) to promote the integration of the Ashton families in an environment where everyone may find an activity to enjoy. Our Athletic Department organizes games where parents and students participate. Alumni are welcomed to join. Friends and families are also welcomed to attend, prior purchase of their entrance tickets through the Ashton High School students.
Food and beverage will be available, most suppliers may be paid with credit cards. The list of suppliers and the prices will be shared closer to the event date.
Check this video to get a feeling of our last Family Fun Day, which was hosted in Semester 2, last school year due to the health protocols we observed during the pandemic.