The Ashton School Parents Association (ASPAS) is the primary mechanism through which parents may get actively involved and have leadership opportunities. ASPAS meets on a monthly basis with the Head of School and the Development Coordinator, hosted by the school, on school grounds. At these meetings, ASPAS is able to present requests and plan for parent-led activities such as the Family Fun Day, Christmas Chocolatada, Dominican Independence and Mother’s Day celebrations.
ASPAS also plays a primary role in the major, parent-sponsored investment that is made to the school every one to two years. Examples of this over the past three years include upgrades to better equip the science lab, upgrades to the indoor cafeteria and most recently, the creation of the DREAM Maker Lab. Sample evidence of the above may be viewed in the Ashton School Parents Association Reports to the Community for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years. ASPAS has representation on the Board of Directors and plays a vital role in directly taking the parents’ perspectives and accomplished activities to the Board meetings. (See sample ASPAS Report to Board of Directors – 2017)
This committee is essential for a school to function effectively, since its main goal is to represent the parents’ assembly in the school. Likewise, it will help monitor, in conjunction with the school, the effective communication among all community stakeholders.
All parents are encouraged to become involved in the Ashton School Parents’ Association (ASPAS). An informational letter will be sent to parents early in the school year explaining the procedures to be followed if any parent wishes to become involved.
The ASPAS Executive Council is elected for a two-year period and in accordance with the National Ministry of Education, it must consist of the following:
- One (1) member representing Preschool levels (Pre-Kinder/Kinder)
- Two (2) members representing 1st cycle of Elementary (1st – 6th)
- One (1) member representing 1st cycle of Secondary (7th – 12th)
- One (1) member representing the Board of Directors
- One (1) member representing the School Administration
ASPAS is legally constituted and regulated according to its statutes and the internal policies created for this purpose.
ASPAS Projects
Community Integration Activities: Burger Night, Family Fun Day, Chocolatada and Mother’s Day.
Community Service: “Comparte tu despensa” Christmas Bonus for Support Personnel
Dominican Week Support: Workshops for Students
Parental Support: Magazines and Parents Workshops