Elementary students have seen the question “Who am I in God?”and have had a chance to talk about the answers to it in the Workshops with Mr. Edwin, our former Character Education teacher and current Wellness Coach at our school.

The story of the creation of man was presented in a language that Elementary students may relate to, to show how God made us in His image and likeness, but sin keeps us away from our Lord. The students were shown the story through illustrations on the board, portraying our disobedience as evidence of the sin in us.
As they are exposed to Bible truths they come to understand that God’s design is good, because God is good. Therefore, we must return to that good nature. There is an image of God in everyone, that dignifies everyone. That is why we are to observe the Golden Rule.
When we go to Matthew 7:12 we find:

Students discussed how their lives would be more harmonious if they embrace this principle for their lives.
If I like to be respected, then I have to start by respecting others. If I like others to be nice to me, I have to be nice first.
As parents and teachers, we are to reinforce the identity of our children as bearers of the image of God. We are to balance the truth of our divine nature with the reality of sin in our world. We are to accompany the young ones to understand the reality of sin and its consequences in our lives from an early age so that the appropriate actions can be taken in order to address the most profound need we all have: the need of a Savior who restores our communion with God. Once that communion is restored, our sins forgiven, we are truly free to live a life that honors God and brings the satisfactions that our souls crave and our hearts desire.
For resources to expand on these topics, feel free to write us at: ashton@tas.edu.do specify your grade level and you will receive special material from our Book Club Coordinator that will be useful for your family’s faith to grow.