This week we had the privilege to join Adriana Irazabal once again. Adriana is from Venezuela, she is 33 years old with Cerebral Palsy. Our Academic Coordinator, Ms. Viera, worked with this valuable lady at a younger age, and put our school in contact with her through a virtual meeting, evidence of using the silverlining the pandemic left us.
As part of the Respect Campaign, the 6th students had a conversation with her and this week 12th grade students joined her via Zoom.
This charismatic young woman told us about her life, her experiences, her dreams and how she has managed to achieve them. She told us that it hasn’t always been easy since diversity is not always welcomed, but she also shared that we set so many of the limits ourselves without considering what we can acheive if we work hard. Adriana’s motto is “make lemonade with the lemons you got” so breaking barriers and against all odds, she graduated from high school, trained as a presenter, actress and dancer. And as if all of this is not enough, she wrote a book that she successfully sells on Amazon.
A true inspiration!
Thank you Adriana for your generosity in sharing your life with us!